
Friday, 9 May 2014

3 Home made Egg Face packs recipes for your skin

3 Home made Egg Face Packs Recipes for your skin
Eggs are a great source of protein. Nothing’s new but apart from its nutritional value, it is also shows great results when you apply it physically on your skin or hair. Here we will share some exciting and easy to do face packs using eggs and some other ingredients.

These face packs are very easy to make and you’ll require eggs along with some other ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen.

So here they are:

Egg white with Fuller’s earth 

When we say fuller’s earth, we can only think of its amazing capability of this clay to absorb excess oil from the face and when this is mixed with egg white, the effects get doubled. You’ll need a teaspoon of egg white that you can take by beating the egg a bit, else the jelly like slimy consistency can be difficult to scoop out.

Then, mix this with a tea spoonful of Fuller’s earth powder and mix them well. Now, you can apply this paste on your face and keep it for 15 minutes to reveal a glowing skin that is oil free.

Egg white with gram flour

This is one of the best to tighten and tone the skin. You will need an egg and some gram flour. You will have to take some egg white and mix it into a teaspoonful of gram flour. More egg white can be added if required so that the consistency of the paste is not too thick. Now mix it well so that the paste becomes even. Apply this on your face and let it dry for around 20 minutes. It gives a tight skin and helps diminishing fine lines gradually when used regularly. Make sure once you have this face pack on your face, you should not talk or make faces. It can result in wrinkles. Not only this, but any face pack for that matter!

Eggs with lime juice

Mix some egg white with lime juice and honey. The consistency on mixing these three will make the pack rather runny. So, apply little to avoid the mixture from dripping. This helps clearing the skin and removes suntan and also gives the skin a fresh radiant glow because of the honey as one of its ingredients.

Always remove your face packs with plain water that is neither too cold or hot. Applying face packs at least once a week, can rejuvenate the skin and makes it even toned.


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