
Monday, 19 May 2014

Beauty tips for dry skin

Beauty tips for dry skin

Moisturizing is all you will need if your skin is dry. Dry skin needs loads of hydration to keep itself moist and supple else there are higher chances of getting premature wrinkles as dry skin is more prone to wrinkles than the oily skin. Here are some beauty skin care tips for dry skin that you should keep in check.

Go for face wash that is creamy in nature and will hydrate and cleanse rather than just cleaning. Don’t wash the face too much as this will strip the essential and whatever oils that you’ve got. Cleansing your face twice is sufficient.
You can also use a cleansing milk to cleanse you face and they are gentle, cleans well without drying, moreover, and adds some moisture to your skin.
Opt for toners that tone the skin and also alcohol free. Alcohol can strip the natural oils from your skin so it is always good to look for skin toners that are devoid of alcohols.

Moisturizers and moisturizing often should be the key. When the skin is dry, it looks dull, scaly and flaky. Use a moisturizer that can moisturize for a longer time so that you will not have to reapply it quite often.
Twice a week apply face packs that can replenish skin’s moisture. You can use face packs or face masks that have honey in them as honey is a natural humectants that keeps moisture in or even a face pack with glycerin in it.
Use a hydrating primer or a moisturizer that can help your foundation to slip well and also treat the flakiness.
Go for a foundation that has a dewy finish as it will not dry out the face and will not enhance the dry patches in your skin.
It is very important to hydrate yourself so, try to have 8-9 glasses of water. This will keep your skin and body hydrated. Water can be the easiest and most effective beauty tip for your skin.
At night, while you are asleep, the night creams that you put works on your skin to replenish the moisture and repairs it. So, never skip a night cream. Use a night cream that can give you the adequate moisturization.
Try these easy skin care tips and combat the dryness to get a glowing skin.


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