
Saturday, 30 August 2014

Natural Home Remedies for Hair Loss and Hair Regrowth

Home Remedies and tips for Hair loss and hair regrowth
Hair loss can be a major concern for a lot of people these days. For women luxurious and beautiful hair is a dream and every girl wants to maintain and achieve that. Same is true for men as well. Receding hairline and bald patches can make them conscious too!
Due to the lifestyle, stress, improper hair care, scalp infection, child birth, prolonged illness and several other factors, hair can start thinning, bald patches may appear. 

These days heat styling and chemical treatments done blindly to the hair have become one of the common factor too due to which hair loss can be seen at quite young age. Whatever the reasons may be but if you are experiencing and concerned about the hair fall or hair loss then there are many home remedies that can help you gain back their natural beauty and make hair grow back. Natural home remedies to curb hair loss are safer to use and do not have any side effects. Here are some remedies to treat your hair loss and for hair regrowth.
Fenugreek for hair growth
Fenugreek is commonly known as meethi and is quite effective in hair loss and regrowth of the hair. In many herbal hair oil for hair fall and shampoos fenugreek is used for efficacy. You too can try it. For that you will need half a cup of fenugreek seeds and soak them in either milk or water and leave it overnight so that they get softer. In the morning, grind the fenugreek and make a paste out of it. Apply it on your scalp and hair, leave it for one hour. Wash with shampoo and condition your hair.
Coconut Milk for hair loss
Coconut milk is also effective in the hair fall. You will need to take coconut milk and apply on the scalp and hair. Leave it on the hair for 2 hours and then wash with a herbal mild shampoo. Coconut milk will not only show results in hair loss and hair regrowth but also make the hair softer.

Aloe Vera gel for hair loss
Aloe Vera gel has natural healing and skin soothing properties. If you have scalp itching then also it soothes the scalp and for hair loss it is said to show great results. You will need pure aloe Vera gel. Apply it on the scalp and some of it on the hair. Keep it for 2 hours and then rinse your hair. It makes hair softer and soon you will notice some relief in the hair loss. It is a useful home remedy that helps in hair regrowth.

Onions for hair regrowth
This commonly found product shows extremely good results in hair regrowth. It actually helps in the growth of new hair thereby reducing the bald patches. You will need a medium sized onion. Put it in grinder and make a pulp out of it. Extract the juice and throw away the residue. Use this juice to massage the scalp gently with circular motions. Keep it on the scalp for half an hour. Rinse with plain water and then shampoo to get rid of the smell. This treatment is widely known for hair regrowth and combating hair loss.

Other than these home remedies to control the hair fall and to make them grow back. You will need to take care of your diet, what you eat show on your skin and hair. Eat a balanced diet with lots of vitamins and proteins. Drink lot of water. Take vitamin supplements if needed. Keep the scalp clean and stress levels down. Sooner the hair loss will be under control and the above mentioned home remedies will make the hair regrow.


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